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consumer2Every day, hundreds of consumers come to in search of information on chiropractic. While there, many of them subscribe to the To Your Health e-mail newsletter as consumers. When they do, they immediately receive a welcome letter and are referred to participating doctors of chiropractic in their area.

Then, every two weeks, when they receive their To Your Health newsletter, it begins with a photograph (for most non-AOL subscribers) and information about one of the chiropractors near them.

As a member, you will be referred to consumer subscribers in your area. As we refer each consumer or feature your photograph and information at the top of each newsletter, we will e-mail you a report. You will receive the name of each consumer when we initially refer them to you and the number of consumers we refer at the top of each newsletter as they are sent every two weeks.

Currently, over 98% of all ChiroWeb Members are being referred to.

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