Dynamic Chiropractic - August 15, 2006, Volume 24, Issue 17

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Body Friendly Golf

Book Review by Mark King, DC

Title: Body Friendly Golf
Author: J. Darcy Dill, DC
Publisher: 1st World Library 2006
Price: $39.95
Format: Softcover, 293 pages*
Part #: T-298
*Includes companion DVD

When I volunteered to review Body Friendly Golf by Dr. J. Darcy Dill, I thought it was a textbook for the treating doctor. It is interesting reading for the doctor and quite useful for your patients, but it is definitely geared toward the amateur and professional golfer. It is simple and easy to read, and Dr. Dill does a good job explaining basic anatomy and exercises. There is a companion DVD (included) that walks through all the orthopedic tests, swing analysis and exercises that he goes over in the book. This book is geared toward making you healthier for golf and subsequently an improved game. This book does not discuss technique and is not for coaching specifically, although your swing may be improved.

The common scenario seen in clinical practice with golfers as they age is that they progressively lose core strength and lose hip and shoulder flexibility. This is common in the non-golfer also, but that loss of hip/shoulder flexibility and core strength significantly affects the golf game. The older golfers become "arm swingers" with no body involvement and subsequently lose a great deal of distance and accuracy with their golf swing. Dr. Dill's program will specifically increase core strength and hip flexibility along with shoulder flexibility. As a consequence of this, your golf game will be improved and your golf life will be extended.

I highly recommend this book for your patients and golfer friends. We have a small lending library in our office, and I will certainly add this book to the collection for my patients to use.

Dr. King's Rating:

10 out of 10