Title: Whiplash and Temporomandibular Disorders
Category: Doctor Education
Authors: Dennis Steigerwald, D.C., and Arthur Croft, D.C., M.S., et al.
Publisher: Keiser Publishing, 1617 Neptune St., Encinitas, CA 92024
Publication: 415 pages, hardcover
The temporomandibular joint is susceptible to injury during
whiplash as the head moves into extension. This was brought to our
attention by Drs. Foreman and Croft in their book, Whiplash
Injuries. Now Dr. Croft has teamed up with Dr. Dennis Steigerwald
and a host of contributing authors to bring us a book on
temporomandibular disorders (TMD) as they relate to whiplash. It
covers diagnosis and treatment protocols for this specific injury.
This material is extremely important to chiropractic doctors. We
see more whiplash cases than most other physicians, and we must be
well-versed in recognizing these injuries. Now we can not only
diagnose them properly, but provide the best treatment as outlined
by the authors. No longer are you in the dark by simply referring
your patients to a dentist for TMJ care.
Dr. Steigerwald is a practicing chiropractor in Southern California
and his practice is limited to consultation and case management of
TMD. He is on the postgraduate faculty of the Los Angeles College
of Chiropractic. Dr. Croft is also on the postgraduate faculty of
LACC, as well as NYCC. His book, Whiplash Injuries, helped
catapult the entire chiropractic profession into the role of
whiplash specialists. The other contributors include J. Michael
Edwards, MD, DDS; Philip Potter, DDS; Konrad Boegelein, MD; Richard
Farley, PhD; and Paul Davis, Dipl.Ac.
The book is well organized, well written, and well researched.
Each contributing author gives his own slant to TMD and whiplash,
and the collective work is thorough and informative. Dr. Croft's
chapter, "The Cervical Acceleration/Deceleration Syndrome," for
instance, is 60 pages, including 128 references.
The book's 10 chapters touch on examination, treatment, referral
protocol, physical management (including therapies), psychological
aspects, oral orthotics and the dental role, and medical/legal
issues, among others.
The authors' clinical experience includes over 15,000 TMD cases
over 15 years, including 1,000 whiplash induced TMD cases over the
past 18 months.
This book is a good value. The research that went into this would
take you thousands of hours to do yourself, or you can simply
take advantage of the work and expertise of these terrific doctors.
The book is well worth the cost.
I had only a superficial knowledge of TMD before reading this book.
I feel much more comfortable now in knowing what to do, how to do
it, and even when, why, and where to examine and treat. It also has
provided me with confidence to speak to the dentist and oral
surgeons to whom I refer.
Thank you Drs. Steigerwald and Croft for this important work.
Eggleston Rating: 10
Steven C. Eggleston, D.C.
Huntington Beach, California
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