Dynamic Chiropractic - February 13, 2006, Volume 24, Issue 04

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The NextWave Intellikit for Chiropractors

Product Review by Jeffrey Kintish, DC

Title: The NextWave Intellikit for Chiropractors
Type: Three CDs*
Author: Mark Schillinger, DC, and Steve Sisgold, MA
Publisher: NextWave Seminars
Part #: CD-9

*Includes a tuning fork (purpose explained below).

This three-CD program was definitely designed with chiropractors in mind. Dr. Mark Schillinger has a million-dollar chiropractic practice and is passionate about music; he also runs a nonprofit organization: The World Institute for Human Development. Steve Sisgold leads the field as a marketing expert, author, master in communication and breakthrough coach. These two speakers create a dialogue throughout all three CDs, attempting to fuse Eastern philosophies with modern-day challenges so the doctor can experience a transformation in consciousness.

Each disc is divided into tracks that can be listened to in an organized fashion or loaded to review and focus on a specific topic. The general feeling you get while absorbing this work is of calmness, clarity and refreshment. The idea implied is that as a profession, we have to get on the "next wave" if we are going to succeed, particularly as the new paradigm of vibrational and energetic healing takes hold. Essentially, these speakers believe that if we as chiropractors can grasp the concepts of vibrational medicine, our patients will be more motivated to grow, respect and stay with us when the choice for alternative health care is upon them.

Steve and Mark believe many chiropractors are not connected to themselves and are not clear about their purpose in life and practice. The goal of this CD program is to give you another way to become grounded, re-establish purpose and become enlightened about what it is that drives you in your life and makes you passionate. A series of guided exercises is provided as a means to reach this clarity. The exercises presented concentrate on focusing the mind using a variety of breathing and vibrational techniques.

Included as a unique addition to this program is a small tuning fork, which the listener can utilize as a tool during these guided exercises. The explanation for the tuning fork is based on D.D. Palmer's concept that "life is the expression of tone" and the modern theory of quantum mechanics. The theory here is that the tuning fork is used to rejuvenate the power that makes and heals the body. By using it daily, the hope is that you will be "rejuiced" and renewed about your purpose in life.

With the application of these daily meditation exercises, your chances for a better-balanced life are maximized. Your goals for home, work, financial, spiritual, health and personal growth will be more achievable because you will be motivated for total success. Overall, the message here is not new; however, the messengers bring it to you in a way that you probably have not heard before. Taking time to look at ourselves and change the things that are not working can only bring long-lasting rewards.

Dr. Kintish's Rating:

9.5 out of 10