Dynamic Chiropractic - June 5, 1995, Volume 13, Issue 12

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Associates and Positions

Only students and doctors who have attended an MPI seminar may submit ad copy for an associate or position ... and it's free. Submissions by phone are not accepted. Instead, submit in writing to "DC," P.O. Box 6100, Huntington Beach, CA 92615, USA.

Full Time Associate Position

Available immediately in Central Vermont; 3,000 sq. ft. clinic with an excess patient load in need of a doctor with a Vermont license. Primarily neuromusculoskeletal, PT, and nutrition. Hunting, fishing, skiing, golf, hiking, and the culture of Dartmouth College. Call for further information: Dr. Pistey, (802) 649-2102.

Position Sought in Southern Wisconsin

Palmer student graduating in 1996 seeks an associate position with a progressive motion palpation oriented practice in Southern Wisconsin. Applicant insists upon applying today's scientific literature and is completely open to new ideas and approaches. DCs interested in working with an intelligent, caring, motivated doctor should call (319) 359-4268, or write to: 3384 East Kimberly Rd., Apt. 183, Davenport, IA 52807.

American in Germany Seeks Position State Side

I am an American DC currently living and practicing in Northern Germany. My desire is growing to move our family to the states. My skills include but are not limited to: motion palpation, activator, soft tissue, and acupuncture.

I am looking to re-establish in an area of trees, mountains, lakes, streams, clean air/water, good people, breathing room, and enough work.

Presently I work way too many hours and see my family (wife and two small sons) too little. I would like to hear from anyone who needs an associate or has a practice to sell that provides a decent living. Thank you.

Richard Coplin, DC
Konigsberger, Allee 9
23743 Gromitz
Tel/Fax 011-49-4562-3389