Health Benefits Offered to Employees

Editorial Staff

Behind Closed Doors


Department of Pharmaceutical Espionage

(They will not stop until they have destroyed the chiropractic profession, or we have destroyed ourselves.)

[Second Frame: AN is running into BB's office waving a report]

AN: Have you seen the latest research? It shows chiropractic care to be extremely cost effective!

BB: So?

[Third Frame - BB is looking over the report]

AN: But it determined that chiropractic is more effective and less expensive than medicine.

BB: No big deal.

[Fourth frame: BB still looking]

AN: And the study is very credible, using appropriate methodology and published in a highly regarded medical journal!

BB: No problem.

[Fifth Frame: BB hands the report back]

AN: But how are we going to counteract this?

BB: Why bother?

[Sixth Frame - BB flicks his cigar]

BB: The chiros won't tell anybody about it. Why should we?

August 1996
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