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Dynamic Chiropractic
December 4, 1995, Volume 13, Issue 25

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Chart Review

Title: Lifeline Chiropractic Charts

Category:     Patient education
Publication:  11 laminated posters 24"x 32"
Publisher:    Lifeline
(800) 500-0318
Price:        $329

"Doctor" is a Latin word meaning teacher.  The highest of your
callings is to educate patients.  Lifeline has produced a set of
charts that will help you do just that.
To help determine if these are for you, let's start with a brief explanation of each chart. One chart offers simply a list of definitions of six chiropractic terms ("health," "symptom," "chiropractic," "innate intelligence," "vertebral subluxation complex," and "adjustment"), and five chiropractic principles ("the nervous system is your body's master control center," "your body is a self-healing organism," etc.)

The Five Facets of Health is another chart. It shows a pie chart that includes: Proper Nerve Function, Proper Nutrition, Regular Exercise, Proper Rest, and Positive Attitude. Text on the bottom points out several ways that a chiropractic lifestyle will improve the quality of life.

The Nervous System chart shows the spine, the organs, and has this text at the bottom: "Your nervous system controls every cell and every function of your body. Your life and health depend upon proper communication between your brain and tissue cells."

Other charts include "Three Phases of Chiropractic Care," "Causes of Subluxation," "The Immune System," "Life is a Miracle," "Chiropractic: Your Lifeline to Health," "The Subluxation," "Subluxations Cause ...," and "Your Health: You Make the Choice."

These charts are laminated with grommets ready for hanging. One of the nice things about them is that they are simple. I have noticed that patients often ignore charts that are beautiful but require study to learn something. These charts take only 5-15 seconds to get the point across.

But simplicity does have a down side. The charts are only two colors (black and one other color), and the type style is a little old fashioned. They are not as modern and upscale looking as the full color charts published by Back Talk Systems, for example. However, they are effective enough to deliver the message. You get 11 charts for the price, and they do educate patients.

I received a brochure from Lifeline that has small pictures of all 11 charts. I recommend you request one from the company.

Eggleston Rating: 7 out of 10


Dynamic Chiropractic
December 4, 1995, Volume 13, Issue 25

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