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Dynamic Chiropractic
January 2, 1995, Volume 13, Issue 01

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Book Reviews

Title: Foot Orthoses and Other Forms of Conservative Foot Care

Author: Thomas C. Michaud, DC

Publication: Hardcover, 234 pages, $80

Publisher: William & Wilkins

Category: Doctor/student education

Editor's Note: This is a reprint of the review originally published in the April 22, 1994 issue of "DC." For ordering information, please see item # T-156 on the "Preferred Reading and Viewing" section page 20-21 or call 1-800-359-2289.

Dr. Michaud, apart from reading, studying, and writing, maintains a busy practice in Newton, Massachusetts.

The lower extremities, more specifically the subtalar joint and all its component functions, have been something of a hobby for me these past five years. When I was asked to review this text I awaited it with great expectation, hoping that I would not be let down. Well suffice it to say this is one great text. Dr. Michaud has taken the time to not only read the world literature relative to the subject, but has mastered the ability to exercise his own personal nonsense detector and leave the reader with what he wants most: a clear, concise, well written text that supplies information that the clinician can use now -- yes right now!

Anyone who has tried to read Inman's text or struggled with Root's concepts or Hiss' paradoxical confusions will surely understand what a gem this text is. This text is for all in chiropractic, students and doctors alike. In fact I would suggest that it be placed in every chiropractic college as the definitive text for the foot and its care.

The text is divided into seven distinct chapters followed by a comprehensive index. It provides a quick review of the applicable anatomy with emphasis placed on function and not statics. This is followed by gait, both normal and abnormal, with special attention given to the treatment protocol and its subsequent management. Chapter four is dedicated to the examination of the foot and ankle and contains well illustrated pictures to help the reader with the visual image that is so important when dealing with triplanar motions. The remaining chapters provide the reader with what has to be the finest reference for the taking of an impression when ordering an orthotic device. Dr. Michaud has included both weight and non-weightbearing techniques and supplies us with the rationale of the when, why, and how to incorporate these techniques into our daily lives and practices. You will really enjoy this book.

Innes Rating: 9

Title: Chiropractic: Early Concepts in Their Historical Setting Author: Pierre-Louis Gaucher-Peslherbe, DC, PhD Publisher: National College of Chiropractic Category: Doctor/student education

There have been articles and books written about the early days of chiropractic. The majority of these focus on what happened to and within chiropractic during its early years. Until now no one has attempted to place chiropractic into a historical perspective in regard to other events taking place in health care at the turn of the century.

Dr. Gaucher-Peslherbe has taken great care to review D.D. Palmer's writings and look at them in the context of accepted medical theory of the time. A scholar himself, Dr. Gaucher-Peslherbe holds not only a DC degree but a degree in the history of medicine. He finds D.D. Palmer not as "an uneducated fishmonger" as critics of the day described him, but as a man who was knowledgeable and very conversant with the medical literature of his time. Much of D.D.'s defense of his theories was well-founded based upon the knowledge of the time.

Dr. Gaucher-Peslherbe also traces the history of spinal manipulation. As most in our profession are aware, D.D. Palmer didn't invent spinal manipulation -- the use of spinal manipulation for the purpose of healing has been present in the history of man from the earliest of recorded times. Palmer brought about a re-discovery and sought to make the public aware of its presence. This work quotes much of early literature supporting the use of manipulation, for example, Dr. Gaucher-Peslherbe writes: "It is summed up in E. Dailly's introduction to his article on manipulations therapeutiques in Deschambre's Dictionnaire Encyclopedique (1864):

'Therapeutic manipulations are of value in the treatment of all organic systems, and indications for their use can be found in almost all chronic illnesses. They are an important part of the system of functional therapy, where the aim is to restore correct function to the affected part, which enables normal physiological processes to be resumed, and the normal form and composition of the tissues to be restored ... For although manipulation has always given excellent results in the treatment of disease, it is only very recently that science has been able to explain its effects, take possession of its techniques, and provide a theory and method for its use.'"

There are many such examples in this book. Those who at times have had doubts about the origins of our profession being suspect, owe it to themselves to read this book. It becomes clear that D.D. Palmer was not someone who merely stumbled into chiropractic, but rather a well-read, learned individual who was able to put the pieces together and bring the benefits of manipulation to the attention of the public.

The only less than positive comment I feel I must make is that at times the book becomes very academic in its presentation. This is understandable when you realize this was the author's doctoral dissertation and not originally written for non-academics.

Overall this is a great work and should add much to the average chiropractor's self-esteem.

Savoie Rating: 9.5

Dynamic Chiropractic
January 2, 1995, Volume 13, Issue 01

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